Our Team
Maria Mercedes
Marroquín de Pemueller
Attorney and Notary
Pedro Pablo
Marroquín Pérez
Attorney and Notary
Claudia Guisela
Andrade Cardona
Attorney and Notary
Arriola Rivera
MRA Legal Administrator
Miriam Lucía
García Soto
Attorney and Notary
Brenda Rocío
Gómez López
Intellectual Property
Gómez Rodríguez
Civil and Commercial Contracts,
Labor Law
Gabriela María
Ruíz López
Attorney and Notary
Kimberly Gabriela
Vargas Celada
Attorney and Notary
Claudia Guisela Andrade Cardona
- Bachelor of Social and Judicial Sciences, Attorney and Notary Public, Universidad Panamericana, Guatemala, 2019.
Studies and Publications
- “Right of non-profit association activated in buildings subject to the horizontal property regime”, 2019
Specialty Practice
- Corporate Law
- Commercial Law
- Labor Law
- Civil Law and Contracts
Contact: candrade@mra-legal.com
César Arriola Rivera
- Bachelor of Business Administration, Graduated from Universidad Mariano Gálvez, 2010 Guatemala
- Master’s Degree in Financial Management, Graduated from Universidad Mariano Gálvez, 2013 Guatemala
Specialty Practice
- Administrative Department
Contact: carriola@mra-legal.com
Kimberly Gabriela Vargas Celada
- Bachelor of Social and Judicial, Attorney and Notary Public, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. 2014.
Studies and Publications
- “The legal protection of industrial designs in Guatemala and its link with the association agreement signed by the European Union and Central America and other international treaties” 2014.
Specialty Practice
- Corporate Law
- Commercial Law
- Labor Law
- Civil Law and Contracts
Contact: kvargas@mra-legal.com
Miriam Lucía García Soto
- Bachelor of Social and Judicial, Attorney and Notary Public, Universidad Rafael Landívar, Guatemala. 2015
Studies and Publications
- “Comparative analysis of the sources of law in the legal systems of Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Mexico, Argentina, Spain and its application in the Guatemalan legal system when invoked by foreign individuals”, 2013
Specialty Practice
- Corporate Law
- Commercial Law
- Labor Law
- Civil Law and Contracts
Contact: mgarcia@mra-legal.com
Cecilia Gómez Rodríguez
Specialty Practice
- Intellectual Property
- Corporate Law
- Administrative Law
- Labor Law
- Civil Law and Contracts
Contact: cgomez@mra-legal.com
Ma. Mercedes Marroquín de Pemueller
- Bachelor of Social and Judicial Sciences • Attorney and Notary Public, Cum Laude, Universidad Francisco Marroquín, Guatemala, 1996
Studies and Publications
- “Legal Nature of Nominating Committees”, 1996
Specialty Practice
- Corporate Law
Intellectual Property
Procedural Law
Contact: mpemueller@mra-legal.com
Pedro Pablo Marroquín Pérez
- Bachelor of Social and Judicial Sciences, Attorney and Notary Public Universidad Francisco Marroquín, 2007, Guatemala.
- High Management Program, INCAE, January to February 2014, Alajuela, Costa Rica.
Grupo La Hora
- Director of the weekly paper “La Hora La Voz del Migrante” (Immigrant’s Voice), January 2008 to June 2009.
- Director of La Hora Group, La Hora publishing house, lahora.gt, La Hora Regional, La Hora APP, from September 2009 up to date.
- Columnist, 2012 up to date.
Studies and Publications
- “Clarification and rectification rights established in the Freedom of Expression Act”, 2007
Specialty Practice
- Corporate Law
- Real State Law
- Commercial Law
- Civil Law and Contracts
- Procedural Law
Contact: pmarroquin@mra-legal.com
Our Philosophy
Since its beginning in 1987, MRA Legal has been in constant growth, providing services to corporate and individual clients in Guatemala and abroad. We aim to be a support in the development of ideas, operations, and investments for our clients, through efficient and honest advisory services.